The Loop Drug Checking Service
Last Saturday of the month

The Loop Drug Checking Service
Last Saturday of the month
The Loop Drug Checking Service gives an opportunity to receive a tailored harm reduction intervention based on information about what drugs are currently in circulation in the city.
What is it? | Why? | How does it work? | When is it?
What is it?
People can submit a substance of concern for checking. These substances will help us build a picture of the drug supply in the city, and this data will help keep people who use drugs safe from dangerous substances.
Following current government policy, you may also receive a direct result of what is in your substance if you meet the eligibility criteria for this part of the service.
All drug use carries risk.
The risk is currently heightened due to concerns about synthetic substances unknowingly being missold and consumed. This service informs national and local stakeholders about dangerous substances in circulation while informing public messaging, drug alerts and other early warning systems.
In line with current government policy, The Loop Bristol Drug Checking Service is focused on those at the greatest risk of harm – people with dependent drug use.
The Loop Drug Checking Service will provide individually tailored healthcare consultations to people with dependent drug use which discuss relative risks, harm reduction strategies and signposting to further drug treatment and health services.
These sessions are anonymous, non-judgemental and free.
How does it work?
We’re building a web of data that will help us give harm reduction advice to people who use drugs, informed by what drugs are currently in circulation.
Substances are submitted to the team → Substances are tested by our laboratory team → Service users receive a harm reduction intervention built from the results of all the people who have contributed substances to the project.
By using this service, you are contributing to a knowledge base that will allow us to advise people to keep themselves safer based on what drugs are circulating the city.
Knowledge is power.
Information helps save lives.

When is it?
Every last Saturday of the month from 12pm – 8pm.
Simply drop your substance between these hours at:
11 Brunswick Square
St Pauls
Last substances accepted at 7pm.
Eligibility for a direct test result is dependent on several factors under current government policy.
Factors that will be assessed include:
- What substance you are testing
- How often you are taking a substance
If you have not met the eligibility criteria for a direct result, you will still receive a tailored harm reduction consultation based on all the data we have gathered through this service.
Want to learn more?
Give us a call on 0117 987 6000 to find out more info.
Or visit The Loop.
Want to learn more about drug testing? Click here.