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This week we welcome our new volunteers and trainees, who are beginning their five week training into key areas of our services.
Our 18 new Project Volunteers will be working alongside our Early Engagement and Intervention Team in our Health and Harm Reduction Centre and Needle Exchange, providing free and confidential advice, information and support to adults using alcohol or drug problematically.
The four Engagement and Community Detox Link Trainees, are joining us as part of a 12 month traineeship, which will see them working across our services, engaging people into treatment and supporting people to detox and engage with their communities. During their year’s traineeship, they will also be completing a recognised qualification, supported by a local training provider.
The five week training, led by Sophie our Volunteer & Trainee Manager, will be providing our new staff with a wealth of new skills and awareness, exploring topics such as: drug and alcohol awareness, harm reduction, communications skills and safer injecting.
We’ll be catching up with our new volunteers and trainees to find out what they’ve been learning and about their new roles at BDP.
1 minute read
To start off the Celebrating Age Festival, Bristol Drugs Project will be hosting a concert at Bristol City Hall with perform...