Student in Bristol?
Find out what services are available.

Student in Bristol?
Find out what services are available.
The University of Bristol has a harm reduction approach to drug use by students. This means that they recognise that some students choose to use alcohol and other drugs and believe that providing advice and support to students will improve the safety and wellbeing of the student population.
As part of this approach, we have partnered with the University and SU to provide specialist support for students at UoB every Thursday. You won’t get in trouble for being open with us about your drug/alcohol use.
What do we do?
· Advice around safer drug use
· Reagent testing kits so you can test your drugs at home
· Referrals into structured treatment services
· Support to make changes to your drug use
· Referrals into longer term support
· Someone to talk to if you’re concerned about a friend/family member
· Harm reduction workshops for your society/student group
Book an appointment
Where can you find us?
11 Brunswick Square, Bristol BS2 8PE
How to contact us?
Call/Text/WhatsApp on 07814 617 687
Email us at info@bdp.org.uk
Connect with us:
Follow us on Twitter – @TheDrop_BDP
Follow us on Instagram – @TheDrop_BDP