
(m-kat, meow, drone)

Mephedrone is a cathinone which is a class of stimulant drugs. It rose to popularity in 2008 when it was still legal and sold online and in headshops. It was scheduled in 2010 as a Class B drug. Mephedrone is often used during chemsex.

Effects | Dosage | Advice | Support


If taken orally, the effects of mephedrone take around 15-45 minutes to kick in and last 4-8 hours. If snorted, the effects will take 15-30 minutes to kick in and last 3-6 hours.


Dosage will depend on a number of factors including body weight, gender and tolerance. This is a guide only.

Light15-45 mg
Common45-80 mg
Strong80-125 mg
Heavy125+ mg

Harm Reduction Advice

Access Support

The Drop is BDP’s one stop shop for support, advice and resources around party drugs.