(G, Gina, liquid ecstasy)
GHB and GBL are depressant drugs. GBL is not psychoactive itself, when it’s taken the body converts it into GHB so the effects and risk are largely the same. GHB and GBL usually come as liquids but GHB is occasionally available in powder form. GHB/GBL are most commonly used by men who have sex with men during chemsex but both are gaining popularity in the wider party scene.
Effects | Dosage | Advice | Support
The effects of GHB/GBL take between 5-25 minutes to kick in and will last for 2-4 hours. The effects of GHB/GBL are highly dose dependent. GHB/GBL are taken orally as a clear, oily liquid.
- Stimulation (at lower doses)
- Sedation (at higher doses)
- Disinhibition
- Increased libido
- Muscle relaxation
- Euphoria
- Forgetfulness
- Seizures/thrashing about, known as ‘squiffing out’
- Unconsciousness (at higher doses)
Dosing accurately is incredibly important with GHB/GBL as the difference between a dose that will produce the desired effects and an overdose can be tiny. However, GHB and GBL are often sold interchangeably and sold in solutions of varying strengths, which means it’s quite difficult to give an accurate dosing guide.
As with most drugs, dosage will depend on a number of factors including tolerance, gender and body weight.
A common starting dose is 0.5-1ml. It’s best to start at the lower end of this due to variations in strength and risks involved.
Some people may have a higher tolerance and may take larger doses. It’s important to stick to your own dose.
If you’re going to re-dose, wait at least two hours (preferably more).
Harm Reduction Advice
- Always measure your doses using a syringe or pipette. You can get measuring syringes from our needle exchange. Don’t let someone else dose for you and never just swig from a bottle.
- Mix your GHB/GBL with a soft drink as taking it straight will damage your teeth, mouth and stomach.
- Store your GHB/GBL safely in a labelled container so it cannot be confused with a regular drink. Don’t leave drinks with GHB/GBL in them lying around.
- Mixing drugs, including alcohol, can be risky. Mixing G with other depressants (e.g. alcohol, benzos), or ket can increase the risk of unconsciousness and overdose. Click here for more information on drug combinations.
- Redosing too soon will put you at risk of overdose. Set a timer on your phone, wait at least 2 hours between doses (preferably more).
- The signs of overdose are unconsciousness, shallow breathing, blue/grey lips/fingers, gurgling/snoring sounds, seizures or a faint/slow pulse. If ANY of these symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention. You will not get in trouble for doing this. Click here to read up on drug-read up on drug-related emergencies.
- G can increase libido and lower inhibitions, so if you’re planning on having sex, it can be helpful to set boundaries before using and use around people you trust.
- G is commonly used during chemsex, for more information on safer chemsex, click here.
- Avoid using too often as you can become physically dependent on GHB/GBL in as few as 3 days. If you experience withdrawal symptoms (shakes, sweats, sleeplessness and extreme anxiety) continue to take your GHB/GBL and contact us for guidance on how to reduce safely.
- You’re likely to feel depleted after using drugs. Hydrate, eat something nutritious and rest. Click here for more information on taking care of yourself after a session.
- We recommend you always test your drugs, for information on testing services in Bristol, click here.
- If you’re out and about, make sure you and your mates have a safe way to get home, definitely don’t drive.
Click here to learn more about spotting the signs of a GHB overdose, and what to do.
Access Support
The Drop is BDP’s one stop shop for support, advice and resources around party drugs.