(weed, marijuana, skunk, hash)
Cannabis is the most commonly used recreational drug in the world. The two main active components are THC which produces the ‘high’ and CBD which is responsible for the relaxing properties of cannabis. Cannabis comes in many forms including bud, hash, oil, vapes and edibles.
Effects | Dosage | Advice | Support
The effects of cannabis will kick in almost immediately if smoked/vaped. If you take edibles, it can take around 20 – 120 minutes to kick in. The effects of cannabis will last around 2 – 8 hours.
- Feeling drowsy
- Feeling calm
- Giggles
- Increased appreciation of music
- Mild visual and auditory hallucinations
- Hunger (munchies)
- Dry mouth
- Red eyes
- Anxiety/paranoia
- Nausea/vomiting (whitey)
Cannabis comes in many forms; bud, hash, oil, vapes and edibles. The dose will depend on the type you’re using, the batch, the strain, and how high you want to feel. We recommend doing a test dose (e.g. one toke) with every batch, and always Start Low, Take It Slow.
Harm Reduction Advice
- Avoid smoking cannabis if possible as this will damage your lungs. Invest in a vape or make some edibles instead.
- Smoking cannabis is harmful to your lungs, it’s safer to vape buds instead.
- Some vapes sold as ‘THC vapes’/’cannabis vapes’ have been found to contain spice instead. We would recommend sticking to bud, however, if you do end up using a ‘cannabis’ vape, get it tested at WEDINOS, start with a test dose and stop if it feels weird.
- If you’re taking edibles remember the effects will take longer to appear; be patient and don’t be tempted to eat more to top up with a spliff. Many a seasoned smoker has been caught out by an unexpectedly strong edible.
- If you feel demotivated, anxious, or paranoid after smoking cannabis it’s probably time to take a break. These problems are likely to get worse if you continue to partake.
- You’re likely to feel depleted after using drugs. Hydrate, eat something nutritious and rest. Click here for more information on taking care of yourself after a session.
- Mixing drugs, including alcohol, can be risky. Click here for more information on drug combinations.
- We recommend you always test your drugs, for information on testing services in Bristol, click here.
- If you’re out and about, make sure you and your mates have a safe way to get home, definitely don’t drive.
Access Support
The Drop is BDP’s one stop shop for support, advice and resources around party drugs.