National overdose awareness campaign hits the streets of Bristol

A national overdose awareness campaign has hit the streets of Bristol. The poster campaign that can be seen on billboards around the city is promoting the opioid overdose reversal drug Naloxone. Naloxone works by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain, effectively reversing the effects of the drug. Naloxone is the most powerful tool in the fight to stop death from overdose.

The posters have been put up in 8 different locations through out the city so keep your eyes peeled for one in your area. Don’t forget to get a photo and use the hashtag #naloxone and #naloxoneposter on social media.

We have long been champions of Naloxone and are hugely grateful for the efforts by those involved to roll out this campaign on such a large scale.

How can I get Naloxone in Bristol?

Naloxone is available from BDP for FREE for anyone who needs it. If you are likely to come in close contact with someone who is using opioids, we strongly encourage you to get a kit.

We have a whole page about how to get a kit here.

Dozing or Overdosing?

Check out the campaign we launched on Overdose Awareness Day, which aimed to help people spot the signs of a potential opioid overdose and to aid them to feel more confident in an emergency.

Dozing or overdosing?

Want more information about Naloxone?

If you want to know more information about Naloxone feel free to get in touch or why not check out, where they have heaps of information along with instructional videos and frequently asked questions.

2 minute read

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