Let’s Talk About Alcohol

On Tuesday 14th August, SARI (Stand Against Racism and Inequality) will be hosting an alcohol awareness workshop, inviting members of the public and those working in support services to join in the discussion around alcohol in our communities and how we can all help make a difference.

The awareness if for… communities, friends and families – alcohol can affect anyone but they may not want to talk about it.

– Alex Raikes, SARI Director

The event will be kick-started by SARI’s Director, Alex Raikes, and BDP’s CEO, Maggie Telfer, who will explore problematic use of alcohol in communities across Bristol. Staff from BDP will then explore how we are supporting people to detox from alcohol in their local GP Practices. Dr Ben Watson, from the University of Bristol will also be presenting and answering your questions on everything you want to know about alcohol and its effects.

After the presentations, there will be a short series of workshops and discussions inviting you to collaborate on how alcohol is affecting different communities in Bristol and how to overcome barriers to allow people to access support.

Find out more

1 minute read

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