
(booze, drink)

Alcohol is the most commonly used recreational drug in the world, despite its legal status, it can be harmful if used in excess.

Effects | Dosage | Advice | Support


The effects of alcohol will take around 15-30 minutes to kick in and will last around 1.5 to 3 hours.


The dose required to achieve your desired effect will vary depending on a number of factors including gender, weight and tolerance, amongst others. The following guidance is from the NHS:

A standard pint of beer is equivalent to 2.8 units.

A small glass of wine is equivalent to 1.5 units.

A single shot is 1 unit.

For more information regarding units of alcohol, click here.

To calculate your units, click here

Harm Reduction Advice

Click here to learn more about spotting the signs of a alcohol overdose, and what to do.

Access Support

Worried about your alcohol use?

The Drop is BDP’s one stop shop for support, advice and resources around party drugs.