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The Drop – Club and Party drugs

The Drop is BDP’s one-stop-shop for information and support for people who use recreational drugs.

Not everyone who drinks or takes drugs will want to access support, but we know that the more knowledge you have of the effects and risks of alcohol and other drugs, the better you will be able to make informed decisions about your own use.

What we do

Drugs Information:

Drug Information

2C-B is a hallucinogenic drug first synthesised by Alexander Shulgin in 1974. Its effects are considered to be somewhere bet…

Drug Information

Alcohol is the most commonly used recreational drug in the world with 57% of over 16s in the UK reporting they used alcohol …

Drug Information

Benzos are a type of depressant drug that are used in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia. Recreationally, they are usuall…

Drug Information

Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit recreational drug in the world. The two main active components are THC which prod…

Drug Information

Cocaine is made from the coca plant which grows in South America. In traditional use, the leaves are chewed to give the user…

Drug Information
Crystal Meth

Crystal meth is a central nervous system stimulant, that comes in a crystal form. It was first synthesized from ephedrine (a…

Drug Information

GHB and GBL are depressant drugs. GBL is not psychoactive itself, when it’s taken the body converts it into GHB so the eff…

Drug Information

Ketamine is a dissociative drug with psychedelic properties. It is used regularly in veterinary and paediatric medicine as a…

Drug Information

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a psychedelic drug that was first synthesised by Albert Hofmann in 1938. Its psychedelic…

Drug Information

MDMA is a stimulant drug with euphoric and mildly hallucinogenic properties. It was first synthesised in 1912 but rose to po…

Drug Information

Mephedrone is a cathinone which is a class of stimulant drugs. It rose to popularity in 2008 when it was still legal and sol…

Drug Information
Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms are mushrooms that contain Psilocybin, the substance that causes a psychedelic effect. There are over 180 kn…

Drugs Information
Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide is a dissociative drug that is usually inhaled from a balloon. Nitrous Oxide has been used recreationally for …

Drugs Information

Poppers are a liquid depressant substance, part of the akyl nitrate family. They were originally used during the 19th centur…

Drugs Information

Amphetamine, or speed, is a stimulant drug that was first synthesized in Germany in 1887, however, its psychostimulant effec…

Contact The Drop

Want to get in touch?


Currently studying in Bristol and worried about your own or someone else’s drug and/or alcohol use? Find out more about how we can support you here.

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Bristol Drug Project
The Drop Summer Festival Schedule

This festival season is set to be our busiest yet and we can’t wait! After the dreaded c-word cancelled all events in 2020…

For most of you, it’s been over a year since you last let loose on a dancefloor which means you might be a bit out of prac…

The core aim of The Drop is to reduce drug-related harm in Bristol’s night time economy – but how should we achieve …